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时间:2013-12-31 来源: 泥巴往事网

以下面试信息由成都精益通翻译公司的雇员发布(最近更新 2014-06-25),综合面试评... 面试时间: 2013/08 面试持续: 8天 通过邮箱发送测试稿给我,我翻译好发过 获取职位... 你认为做生意成功的要素是什么(全部用于英语面试 获取职位的方式: 网络上面 面试过...

请您先填写基本信息,再次感谢您的支持,希望合作愉快! (必填) 一、 姓名:吴艳 二、 电话:18857933532 三、 e-mail:

331686178@qq.com 四、 身份证号:33250219871223322X 五、 选择试译类型:医学 六、 在线联系方式:331686178 七、 擅长翻译领域:医学 金融会计 八、 是否愿意从事专职翻译(成都坐班) :否 九、 其它(可用时间、每日可承接量、期望价格等) :l 礼拜一全天+礼拜二-五+礼拜六,天 18:00 以后 8:00-13:00 2000 单词 60 以上 1、通用类 中译英:

也许现在该是重新检查一下我们现在生活流行的价值观, 弄清楚今天的生活 为何变得如此艰难, 以及该用什么办法加以解决的时候了。现在的事情常常不仅 不是它们看上去那样,事情可能正好与看上去的相反。譬如说,如今人们的不满 往往不是因为情况比以往任何时候都糟,而是因为情况从来未这么好过。一切事 情都变得似是而非了。

It is perhaps the time we review the prevailing value in our life, investigate why life is so hard and come up with a solution. Things are not always what they look like, but what opposed to them are quite often the cases. For instance, it is exactly because of the unprecedented blessings in our life that have caused people feel dissatisfied instead of the unprecedented curses. The line between the good and the bad has now become so ambiguous. 英译中:

For the third straight year, President Barack Obama ranks as the man most admired by people living in the US, according to an annual USA Today-Gallup poll. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is the most-admired woman for the ninth year in a row, edging out former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and TV host Oprah Winfrey, as she did last year. The poll, released Monday, asked respondents what man and woman, living anywhere in the world, they most admired. Rankings from one to 10 were based on total mentions and reported in percentages. Obama has been the poll's most-admired man since his election in 2008. With 22 percent choosing him, Obama leads his predecessors, George W. Bush, with 5 percent, and Bill Clinton, with 4 percent. 盖洛普民意调查显示, 连续三年以来,奥巴马被选为最受美国人民欢迎的 男性。而国务卿希拉里.克林顿则连续两次力压前阿拉斯加州长,沙拉.普林和电 视主持人奥普拉.温弗瑞, 被选为最受美国人民欢迎的女性,延续了前 8 年的辉 煌。

这份民意调查于这礼拜一出炉。该调查要求人们选出世界范围内他们最崇拜 的男性和女性。然后根据调查中的提名次数来计算第一名到第十名所占的百分 1/3 比。根据该民意调查,自从 2008 年奥巴马入主白宫以来,他一直是最受尊崇的 男性。


布什和比尔.克林顿得 到崇拜率分别是 5%和 4%。

13、医学类 中译英(可自行选译一段或两段) : 三阴性乳腺癌因其恶性度高、转移率高、死亡率高、以及较差的治疗反应而深受重视 , 并成为近年来乳腺癌基础和临床研究之热点。

致力研究三阴性乳腺癌的分子生物学和临床病 理学特征,对于提高分子诊断和预后、寻找新的治疗靶点、改变临床治疗策略至关重要。我 们前期试验发现,来源于临床三阴性乳腺癌的细胞系中存在一个特殊的细胞亚群。这群细胞 具有体积小,低分化,增殖缓慢,自我更新力强,能进行对称和非对称分裂等干细胞特性。本研 究项目将着重探讨在三阴性乳腺癌病理样本中,低/未分化的小细胞型癌细胞的分布及比率 与临床诊断和预后的相关性。我们还将从分子生物学层面去研究这群细胞的干细胞特性,并 且应用基因、miRNA 芯片技术去鉴别这群小细胞的基因和 miRNA 特征图谱,以获取临床诊 断和预后的标记物。这一基础向临床转化的研究旨在为“癌症干细胞致癌”假设提供最有力的 临床证据,并为制定有效的治疗方案开拓新的切入机制,实现治疗瓶颈上的突破。

Triple-negative breast cancer has attracted attention in medical field due to its high malignancy, high transfer ration, high mortality but low treatment response. Therefore, It has become a focus of clinical and fundamental researches in breast cancer. A closer examination on triple-negative breast cancer’s features in terms of clinicopathology and molecular biology will play a key role in enhancing the accuracy of molecule diagnosis and prognosis, as well as that of setting a new treatment target. In the earlier clinical test, we found out that there was a peculiar cell subset in the cell set of negative breast cancer. Those cells are characterized by a small size, poor differentiation and low fertility. Yet, they are capable of fission of both symmetry and asymmetry. The present research will probe into the distribution of undersized carcinoma cells as well as their proportion. Moreover, its correlation to clinical diagnosis and prognosis will also be examined. From the perspective of molecule biology, we will study those stem cells’ properties. And in order to acquire the markers for diagnosis and prognosis, their genes and specific chromatogram of miRNA will also be investigated, with genetic technology and chip technology respectively. The research, which marks the transformation from a fundamental aspect to clinical one, aims at providing physical clinical evidences to the hypothesis that cancer stem cells cause caner. It is also supposed to illuminate a new target for effective treatments and therefore make a clinical breakthrough. 英译中:

Since protective tetanus and diphtheria antibodies decline with age, only 28% of persons >70 years of age in the U.S. are believed to be immune to tetanus, and most of the tetanus-induced deaths occur in people >60 years of age, it is advisable to offer Td, especially to elderly, concurrent with their influenza and other immunization programs if history of vaccination is unclear;

boosters should be given at 10-year intervals (earlier for wounds). For the elderly who cannot document a primary immunization series or at risk due to contact or travel, administer the initial series. Boosters may be necessary for travel since antibody titers may diminish with age. 2/3 白喉和破伤风抗体的保卫功能因老化而弱化, 在 70 岁以上的美国人中, 仅 有 28%的人群仍对破伤风免疫。60 岁以上的人群占破伤风导致的死亡中绝大多 数。因此,我们特别建议老年人,在接受禽流感以及其他免疫措施的同时,也可 接受 Td 的免疫措施。其辅助药剂每十年注射一次(负伤者可提前) 。未能记录 首次免疫治疗的老年人或者因旅游或接触行为引发感染风险的可重新接受免疫。

有旅游行为的老年人在出行前可接受辅助药剂,抵消抗体由年龄带来的弱化。 3/3

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